Hazama -Hazama-



Throws a chain out at different angles.


He will summon a ring that will absorb the opponent's HP.


Glimmering Fang of the Basilisk
During Overdrive, A+B+C+D

Technical Type

Special Attacks

Ouroboros Ouroboros during A or B or C or D
Venom Sword ↓↘→+A
Vengeful Viper ↓↙←+B
Serpent's Benediction ↓↙←+D
▷ Falling Fang A during Serpent's Benediction or Serpent's Redemption
▷ Rising Fang B during Serpent's Benediction or Serpent's Redemption
▷ Devouring Fang C during Serpent's Benediction or Serpent's Redemption
▷ Stance cancel D during Serpent's Benediction
▷ Vengeful Viper ←← or →→ during Serpent's Benediction
Hungry Coils →↓↘+D
Shadow Serpent In midair ↓↙←+B
Bloody Fangs ↓↘→+C

Distortion Drive

Serpent's Infernal Rapture ↓↘→↓↘→+B
Eternal Coils of the Dragon Serpent →↘↓↙←→+C
The Serpent's Unholy Wrath Serpent's Benediction or Vengeful Viper during →↘↓↙←→+D

Astral Heats

Hungry Darkness of 1000 Souls ↙→↘↓↙←↘+D

Stylish Type

Special Attacks

Venom Sword ↓+SP
Vengeful Viper SP
Shadow Serpent In midair SP
Bloody Fangs →+SP

Distortion Drive

Serpent's Infernal Rapture ←+SP

※ You can find the command list for each character in the COMMAND
LIST of the Pause menu.

© ARC SYSTEM WORKS Published by H2 Interactive Co., Ltd.