Tsubaki Yayoi -Tsubaki=Yayoi-

- Install
- Charges energy required to enhance special attacks.
- Second Install
- The Install gauge will replenish automatically.
- Macto Lux Kyrie
- During Overdrive, A+B+C+D
Technical Type
Special Attacks
①Sanctus Aequum |
↓↘→+A or B or C or D(D버전은 ⑤에서 파생 가능) |
②Sanctus Veritas |
↓↙←+B or D(Derived from ①) |
Agnus Dei |
↓↓+B or D(Derived from ① or ②) |
③Benedictus Rex |
→↓↘+C or D |
④Aequum Eleison |
In midair ↓↘→+A or D(Derived from ③) |
Lux Aeterna |
In midair ↓↙←+A or B or C or D(Derived from ④) |
⑤Lux Macto |
←↓↙+A or D |
Sanctus Aerolata |
→↘↓↙←+C |
※Enhanced Special Attack version D can be used by consuming 1 Install gauge. |
Distortion Drive
Confutatis Maledictis |
↓↘→↓↘→+C or D(Drain gauge for Special Attack D) |
Macto Maledictis |
↓↙←↓↙←+D(midair also/requires 1 or more Install gauge) |
Requiem Maledictis |
→↘↓↙←→+B |
Astral Heats
Requiem Aeternam |
→↘↓↙←→+C |
Stylish Type
Special Attacks
Sanctus Aequum |
→+SP |
Benedictus Rex |
SP |
Aequum Eleison |
In midair ↓+SP |
Lux Aeterna |
In midair SP |
Lux Macto |
↓+SP |
Distortion Drive
Confutatis Maledictis |
←+SP |
※ You can find the command list for each character in the COMMAND
LIST of the Pause menu.
© ARC SYSTEM WORKS Published by H2 Interactive Co., Ltd.