


Magical Symphony
Randomly summon a Magical Weapon and equip it.


Magical Heart Catch
Allows the magical weapon to be used as many times as needed.


Angelic Blast
During Overdrive, A+B+C+D

Technical Type

Special Attacks

Air Persia ↓↘→+A(midair also)
▷ Additional Attack During Air Persia A or B or C(3회 가능)
Mami Circular ↓↘→+B or C
Dream Sally ↓↙←+A or B or C
Swallow Moon In midair ↓↘→+C
Dramatic Sammy ←↙↓↘→+D
Mystic Momo With item equipped ↓↙←+D
Happy Magika ↓charge↑+C
Fallen Melody When opponent is down, ↓↓+C(midair also)

Distortion Drive

Cure Dot Typhoon →↘↓↙←→+C(midair also)
Miracle Jeanne ↓↘→↓↘→+D

Astral Heats

Shining Layered Force ↓↘→↓↘→+C(midair also)

Stylish Type

Special Attacks

Air Persia In midair SP
Mami Circular SP or →+SP
Swallow Moon In midair →+SP
Dramatic Sammy ↓+SP

Distortion Drive

Cure Dot Typhoon ←+SP

※ You can find the command list for each character in the COMMAND
LIST of the Pause menu.

© ARC SYSTEM WORKS Published by H2 Interactive Co., Ltd.