LITCHI FAYE LING-Litchi=Faye=Ling-

- Mantenbo (place / recall)
- Using Dirve once will place the rod. Using it again will recall it. Hold button down to alter the timing.
- The Great Wheel
- An attack with the Mantenbo. The Mantenbo can be launched in any direction by using direction pad.
- Crimson Peacock
- During Overdrive, A+B+C+D
Technical Type
Straight Through |
With rod, ←↙↓↘→+A or B or C (delayable) |
▷ Interrupt / Feint |
During Straight Through, D |
Ren-Chan |
With rod, ↓↙←+B or C |
Tsubame Gaeshi |
With rod, →↓↘+D |
Three Dragons: White / Green / Red |
When rod is placed, ↓↘→+A or B or C(midair also for B and C) |
Unarmed Lunge (Chi) |
When rod is placed, ←↓↙+C (delayable) |
Reach: Last Chance |
When rod is placed, →↘↓↙←+A (midair also) |
▷ One Shot / Green / Red / Chan-Kan |
During Reach: Last Chance, A or B or C or D |
Reach: Robbing the Kong |
When rod is placed, →↘↓↙←+B (midair also) |
Reach: Kong on Kong |
When rod is placed, →↘↓↙←+C (midair also) |
The Four Winds |
When rod is placed, ←↙↓↘→+D |
Kote Gaeshi |
When rod is placed, →↓↘+D or ←↓↙+D (midair also) |
All Green |
→←↓↑+C |
All Terminals |
→↘↓↙←→+C |
Nine Gates of Heaven |
During Reach: Last Chance, ←→+D |
Stylish Type
Straight Through |
→+SP |
Ren-Chan |
↓+SP |
Tsubame Gaeshi |
SP |
Three Dragons: White / Green / Red |
SP or ↓+SP |
Unarmed Lunge (Chi) |
→+SP |
※ You can find the command list for each character in the COMMAND
LIST of the Pause menu.
© ARC SYSTEM WORKS Published by H2 Interactive Co., Ltd.